Thursday, November 18, 2010

Precious Boy

Oh how I love my Daniel!

Some of the highlights this week

"mommy you're so beautiful. You are more beautiful than the SUN!"
How can I not love that boy?

Proud mommy moment...
We were getting out of the car at the grocery store and I was explaining to him why there was a lady ringing a bell and how when we put our money in the red buckets it goes to help those who may not have money for food or clothes this Thanksgiving and Christmas. I grabbed some change and tried to hand it to him and he "no mom. I have my own money." He reached into his pocket and produced a handful of change which he promptly dropped into the bucket.
Oh My! He is a blessing and has such an enormous heart!

Funny of the day -
Pre-dawn hours. House is dark and quite. Because people should be SLEEPING! =)
My son comes into our room, snuggles up with me, and says "mom. did you make me a lemon cake?" No dear, I did not. I had no idea you liked lemon cake. And...I've been sleeping! =)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gummy Snacks??

Yesterday I informed Daniel I was headed to fix him lunch and his response was
"Gummy Snacks?"
Just because you ate three packages for breakfast, does NOT mean that you get to eat the same thing for lunch! (do I get points for the fact that they were organic fruit snacks??)
Ugh. I need a better plan and more sleep!
He has been waking up before 5 AM asking for a 'tasty treat'.
If you consider instant oatmeal a 'tasty treat', than yes. Otherwise, it's gonna be organic fruit snacks! Apparently as many as you can get down before mom is fully awake! LOL!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Funnies from the Weekend

OK. So I am trying to write them as they come in...

This morning Daniel woke up with a stuffy nose and he starts hollering
"My nose doesn't work!"
I said, 'that's OK honey, it's just a little stuffy'.
His response was then, "but I can't smell my food! I can't smell that delicious steam!"
LOL! I have NO idea if he was thinking of a specific food or not, but we weren't even out of bed yet!
Great way to start a Monday at 5AM! =)

Yesterday I was trying to take a rest.
Daniel comes into my room and heads to my closet, which is currently housing most of his toys that have been confiscated for behavior issues.
He immediately says, "You have a mess in here Mom. You have a mess in your closet!"
Yes, dear. I do. Good Grief!
I will add that he offered to clean up his dad's shoes, and he did so. Right on the spot! What a good helper!

One last funny to report.
At least I think it qualifies as a funny. Maybe it's just sad.
Anyway...We were looking at Pics from November, before I started chemo, when I don't look so tired. Daniel says "you should stay there in that picture, Mom"
Part of me agrees. It was a great picture. The other part of me is glad to be further down the road, with clear scans thus far, even with the fatigue I deal with. Someday, Daniel, you will have your not-so-tired looking mommy back.

Love you sweetie!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Too many funnies to remember

OK. I am WAY behind on this blog. Ugh!
Daniel hasn't stopped saying funny things, I just can't remember what they are by the time I find a pencil!
I'll work on it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Update on Daniel

Just wanted to let Y'all know - Daniel is still hilarious, I'm just not as consistent about sharing!
My memory has been terrible and if I don't write it down immediately, then I lose it. I will try to be better - be looking for more funnies in the near future!
BTW - I found my self - AGAIN - saying 'Please Don't Hit Me With Your Monkey!' Oh dear, bedtime can be a challenge - especially when monkeys are involved!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The power of CHOCOLATE

Grandma Tutu (great-grandma) brought the kids some chocolates from See's when she came to visit a couple of weeks ago. Daniel's was a bag of solid chocolate shamrocks. Needless to say, we have been sparingly doling them out to him. He knows where I keep them - in the cupboard with the coffee mugs, thinking they are 'out of reach'. Well, NOTHING is out of reach for Daniel!
He is seriously a Spider-Monkey!
Anyway...he was climbing the drawers in the kitchen to get to the chocolates and was told by a friend of mine, who was in the kitchen at the time, that he needed to ask mommy before he had any chocolate.
After much protest, he came to ask me...
I said he could have some in the morning when he woke up, it was much too late - almost bedtime - to have chocolate. He pouted and headed back into the kitchen.
When my friend asked what I had said, his response was
'She said A little bit of yes'
Hilarious!! Always finding a way to skirt the system.


Daniel is an early bird. It is a VERY rare occasion that I wake up before he does.
Eric has been out of town and my energy level is even more diminished than normal.
This morning, Daniel wakes up around 5:30 AM - his norm - and asks me why we have to take a rest.
I told him it was so we have enough energy for the day.
He pipes up 'I HAVE ENERGY!'
I told him that mommy wasn't ready to get up because I needed a little more energy.
His immediate response was 'You can have some of MY ENERGY! It went down my throat and into my tummy and I have LOTS'.
Yes, dear, you do.
What a sweetie for sharing =)